Updated on 24th of May 2020
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Life is so fast paced lately. You are even busier if you have little ones to look after too. As a mum, it feels like your to do list is never ending and you’re drowning in the sea of responsibilities. I feel like this quite often and I’m always looking for ways to save time and get more organised.
Here are some practical time saving tips that I have tried myself to get more organised and in control of a busy family life.
1.Cleaning Tips
1.1 Follow a cleaning routine
I really like TOMM which stands for The Organised Mum Method. Basically it’s a cleaning routine that consists of 30 minutes cleaning everyday a different room plus 15 minutes of quick daily cleaning jobs. I like the sound of cleaning a bit every day rather than spending all day Saturday or Sunday cleaning your house from top to bottom. It is easier to clean a bit every day and I also love having weekends free of cleaning and can plan some lovely family time fun.
1.2 Consider to get a cleaner
If you can afford and if you absolutely have no time and perhaps are at a breaking point, consider getting a cleaner. Either weekly or fortnightly. Or even just for a monthly deep clean.
1.3 Buy a hand held vacuum cleaner
Invest in a good hand held hoover for quick hoovering in the car and around the high chair or dining table.
1.4 Get a basket
Have a big beautiful basket (like the one above) in the corner of your living room. If you get an unexpected guest, you’ll be able to quickly through all toys, clothes and any other items that don’t belong in the room and suddenly your living room will seem so much tidier and clean.
2. Getting organised tips
2.1 Write lists!
First of all do a brain dump – just write down EVERYTHING what’s in your head, all your to do’s, all tasks you need to complete, all things you would like to do and do on.
Prioritise and set 3-4 tasks for today. Then split other tasks to rest of the days. Can somebody else do some of the tasks? Husband, sister, friend, school mum? You would save lots of time if you manage to delegate some of the duties to other people.
2.2 Get organised for the next day
Lay out clothes for kids and yourself. Get bags, snacks, packed lunch, water bottles ready in the evening. If you go to a new place, check the address and parking options. Prep lunch and dinner or at least have an idea what you’re eating the next day.
2.3 Get organised for the next week
On Sundays go through your calendar and check all the plans, all extra curriculums, activities and kids clubs. You might need to make payments, get a special outfit or buy a birthday present. Allocate a day and time for this in your calendar.
Clean out your wallet and make sure you have some cash and small change.
Clean out your bag and make sure you always have a few necessary things like a packet of vet wipes, tissues, pen etc.
2.4 Get organised for the next month
Buy birthday cards and presents for friends or family so you don’t need to stress and go into town at the very last minute.
Make a budget for the upcoming month.
Deep clean your house.
Clean out your fridge.
3. Phone Tips
3.1 Turn off notifications on your phone
You really don’t need all the ping sounds coming from your phone every time somebody likes your picture on Facebook.
3.2 Stop endless scrolling
Do you ever catch yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media? Or constantly checking emails while you’re not waiting for anything important?
Have dedicated times to check your social media and email so you’re not wasting your time. Once you read an email, try to respond to it there and then so you don’t need to re-read it again at a later time.
3.3 Organize your photos and screenshots
Every Sunday go through the photos of the past week and delete all blurry, double takes, any photos and screenshots that you don’t need anymore.
4. Clothes tips
4.1 Streamline your wardrobe
Get yourself a capsule wardrobe. First try out everything you have and ruthlessly throw away (recycle) what you don’t like anymore or don’t fit you properly so you don’t waste time while looking for some clothes in the morning. Then think through your lifestyle and your clothing needs and invest in a few good quality versatile clothes.
4.2 Streamline your kids wardrobe
Recycle outgrown clothes. Buy clothing items that match together.
4.3 Shop online
Buying clothes (and everything else) online saves so much time. What would be faster – going into shops with small kids that always want snacks or to run away or just ordering things online at your convenient time at home? Yes, you might end up having to return some items, however that is still faster and less stressful compared to going shopping into town or shopping mall.
4.4 Don’t buy clothes that you need to iron or dry clean.
4.5 Don’t iron.
5. Useful products and gadgets
These are the best time saving gadgets:
5.1 Prep machine
A prep machine is a life saver if you have a baby.
5.2 Slow cooker
Throw food in the slow cooker in the morning and forget about it until it’s dinner time.
5.3 Electric heated airer
I have seen a few people talking about how electric heated airer saves their time and it is definitely a thing that I’m planning to invest in very soon.
5.4 Robot hoover
This is on my wish list for now as I know robot hoover would save me so much time vacuuming the house.
5.5 Electric toothbrush
I love my electric toothbrush and how much time saves me in the mornings.
5.6 Portable charger – power station
This gadget not only saves time but reduces stress too (in certain situations when you’re out and about).
5.7 Dry shampoo
Running late in the morning and no time to wash your hair? Dry shampoo is life saver in these situations.
6. Food tips
6.1 Shopping list
Keep an ongoing shopping list note in the kitchen where yourself or your partner can add anything that is running out.
6.2 Online food shopping
Ordering food online and getting it delivered to your door saves so much time. For me it’s a game changer for sure. It’s my biggest time saving hack. Currently I’m doing it with Sainsbury’s (in UK). If you are just planning to start ordering food online, most food supermarkets give some money off vouchers for new customers, so look out for these.
6.3 Click and collect
Click and collect is also a great service to save some time. I sometimes use it when I forget to make my online food order and need some items for the same day.
6.4 Meal planning
Having a rough weekly meal plan not only saves me time but money too. More money saving ideas here.
6.5 Batch cooking
If you can, try batch cooking. On Sundays I like to cook big amounts of homemade tomato source, vegetable soups and other dishes and then freeze them.
6.6 Buy Frozen Food
Buy frozen vegetables, especially diced onion and similar things – it saves so much time as you don’t need to chop them and there’s no waste! Also, you only take as much or little as you need.
6.7 Snacks
Always have some healthy snacks with you for the kids for car journeys and trips.
So these are my best time saving tips. What other time saving or getting organised hacks you would add to this list?