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When you just start out as a professional, you tend to lean into cars that are quick, nimble, reliable, and fuel-efficient. Cost-cutting is the name of the game here. Of course, there are variations, for example, if you live in a rural area then you may opt for 4×4 wheel drive, or more robust brands that can run for decades and remain in good standing.


However, no matter what you’re used to, it’s true that starting a family changes everything. If you have two or more children, you’ll likely know that your motor vehicle needs change. All of a sudden, safety is much more important than cost, as is comfort and storage.


Moving from hatchback to a family car can be difficult, even if you opt for a trusted local dealer with affordable, reliable cars for sale. Never fear, for in this post we’ll discuss which metrics to prioritize, how to avoid a bad deal, and from there, how to settle into your new ride:


Consider Safety Features


Of course, safety features are always important to consider. From the robust build of the car, to cameras front and back that help you detect walls when parking more easily. Other safety features you may wish to consider include anti-lock brakes, forward collision warnings, automatic e-braking, lane departure warnings, and child-safety locks or anchors. This way, you know that if anything were to happen, you’re assisted in finding the safest possible resolution. As a parent, nothing could mean more.


Space, Comfort, Adjustability


Families tend to take up space, and so making sure you have enough legroom, storage space, and even conversion possibilities (such as room to put the chairs down and up again where needed) can be a big helper. The latter feature is often prized by families who drive to vacation spots often, as that room for your luggage, without causing a safety risk, is a big help. Comforts can also help, for instance, some seven-seaters use two middle-row armchairs and a bench at the back, allowing for easy conversion. Not all families are alike, and so your needs may differ, but never ignore your desire for comfort – it comes at a real price.


Reliability & Maintenance


When you start a family, you begin to prize your free time, things going well, and a limited amount of stress – your children will provide enough of that, even if they’re wonderful. Reliable brands that can be repaired with third-party parts rather than proprietary expensive replacements is essential to consider, and this is certainly the case where new EV’s are concerned. Moreover, finding a vehicle that may allow for easy home maintenance, be that changing the oil or switching a tyre, can be a big benefit, especially when you’re preparing for upcoming road trips. 


With this advice, you’re sure to move from a hatchback to a family car well. All you need to do from there is get used to the bulkier handling, which will come over time. After a while, you’ll wonder why you were apprehensive about a larger family car to begin with.