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3 Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Your Next Family Car 


The diverse car manufacturing industry provides many options if you’re looking for a family car. Unfortunately, while searching, many people make mistakes that cost them more than the car’s value. Considering that the average car cost ranges between £12k-£28k, it is prudent to avoid making such mistakes to ensure you get the best value for money. Here are some common errors in this regard and how to sidestep them.

  • Overlooking family needs


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A family car is meant to serve everybody in the household; therefore, focusing only on your needs is unwise. For example, a sporty two-door may look enticing to a bachelor but is not a practical choice for a family of four. A growing family like yours requires a spacious car with easy entry access. The inconvenience of squeezing through the front passenger door into the backseat doesn’t make it ideal. Moreover, young children will fret in such a car when uncomfortable. Consider family size, safety features, headroom, storage, and fuel efficiency when buying a car. Accepting dealership discounts on certain vehicles may seem enticing, but those cars may not fit your family’s needs. It’s understandable why you want to save money on a family car but remember that unbelievable discounts can cost more than you imagined. You can seek different perspectives from friends and known neighbourhood families. It would also help to read more online about family cars to better understand your family’s needs.

  • Failing to consider long-term needs


A compact sedan is ideal for a newborn but may not be the best option after two years with another baby in tow. You will require a bigger car for your now toddler and second baby. Failing to consider family expansion could prove costly in a few years. Unfortunately, many families made this mistake and must now trade in devalued cars for bigger, better, and more expensive models. Choosing the right family car from scratch would help you avoid this needless cost. While considering your long-term needs, you can research practical and appropriate cars that suit these needs, such as Volkswagen vans. These multivans have varied designs for camping, daily commuting, and leisure. Many UK households invest in a second or third car, making the van an ideal extra vehicle for the family.

  • Avoiding a test drive or enquiring about maintenance costs


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No matter your trust in the car dealership, a test drive is necessary. Failing to do so can expose your family to danger, especially if the vehicle is not in good condition. Vehicles are machines and have an increased risk of malfunctioning anytime. It’s why test driving on different road conditions is recommended. Secondly, you should know firsthand the car’s response to different speeds to identify potential issues. These measures ensure you have a trusted vehicle that offers family safety and provides value for money. Another point worth mentioning is the maintenance costs involved. Can you maintain servicing costs even if you have the funds to purchase the family car of your dreams? That is a crucial question to ask yourself before taking up more than you can handle.